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Maurice Sendak : And the Art of Children's Book Illustration read book EPUB, DJV


MAURICE SENDAK Maurice Sendak is the widely acclaimed American children's book author and illustrator. This critical study focusses on his famous trilogy, Where the Wild Things Are, In the Night Kitchen and Outside Over There, as well as the early works and Sendak's superb depictions of Grimms' fairy tales in The Juniper Tree. L.M. Poole begins with a chapter on children's book illustration, in particular the treatment of fairy tales. Sendak's work is situated within the history of children's book illustration, and he is compared with many contemporary authors. This new edition includes a new introduction, a new bibliography and many more illustrations. This book aims to consider some of Maurice Sendak's most significant works, concentrating on the children's books and the picture books. Other chapters explore Sendak's relationship with the movies and art of Walt Disney (which Sendak admires); his interpretation of classic fairy tales; a brief consideration of the fairy tale form; Sendak's links with the tradition of children's book illustration; and finally a comparison of Sendak's art with that of other book illustrators.

Maurice Sendak : And the Art of Children's Book Illustration by L. M. Poole read online book DJV, DOC

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